Pragmatic Project Management

Lead Consultant

As Lead Consultant we lead and co-ordinate project teams, manage the client's brief, monitor the project's progress, liaise with lawyers, external agencies and third parties, and advise clients on all matters relating to project delivery.

We maintain oversight on project on-costs and manage consultant appointments during the the pre-construction phase.

We compile and manage the pre-construction programme and coordinate the team's delivery of the client's brief within the working programme.

We provide a point of continuity for the project from land search and acquisition, planning, procurement, construction and into occupation.

Development Monitoring

We undertake the due diligence that our investment clients need when funding development projects and similarly for tenants acquiring a property under construction. Where not in direct control of the development our clients will be taking interests in the property created, so we provide the monitoring of their technical, quality and commercial interests as required.

We also undertake monitoring surveyor role for the above development-centric projects as well as for monitoring compliance by tenants with licences to alter and such like on behalf of landlords. If it involves a contract, we can provide the oversight.

We provide pre-contract/pre-construction audit reports, ongoing compliance site monitoring reports and close-out reviews according to the requirements of the undertaking.

Contract Administration

Sooner or later a project will need a constructor, engaged by way of a build contract. We provide the roles of Employer's Agent, Contract Administrator, Client Representative in such contracts, for the purposes of the proper execution of the works, compliance with the design requirements and ensuring the contractor delivers on their obligations.

In addition we are often appointed to undertake an additional site inspection role, with the specific task of regularly monitoring the construction operations for compliance with relevant specifications, quality of workmanship and final inspections. Clients tell us that this reporting role is valuable and re-assuring to them; knowing they are in safe hands and we are looking out for their interests.

Site Appraisals

We undertake design and technical site appraisals for clients considering property for development. We will assess the site's suitability for the proposed scheme and advise on the risks and considerations to be addressed.

This may be undertaken as a standalone feasibiliy study or be part of a wider strategic exercise when site finding or preparing options appraisals.

Invariably a feasibility or concept design needs testing against real world constraints before potentially unnecessary resource is spent in developing an unworkable solution. Our extensive real-world experience helps manage this risk

For clients inexperienced in development or for estate-like clients, we can augment our project management function with additional assistance concerning development appraisal, viability, capital programmes and strategies.

Technical Advice & Due Diligence

Given our extensive experience as technical practitioners, we provide technical and due diligence advice on most topics likely to be encountered in the development process. This can be on a one-off isolated basis but is usually carried out as part of a wider commission providing other project services.

There is an ever-increasing compliance burden placed on projects long before a spade is put in the ground. This includes planning matters, building regulations, property and construction legal issues, access and utilities, CDM and now Building Safety Act considerations. All of which must be reviewed, addressed and the risks managed from the outset of a project to minimise delay and expense.

Our standing advice to clients is to bring us in early in order that we can shape and inform the early strategic project decisions.

Planning & Listed Buildings

Being Chartered Architects we are very experienced in managing the planning process, liaising with local authorities, making/managing applications and planning agreements (s106 & CIL) and dealing with the discharge of conditions.

Having worked on a large number of historic, listed buildings and conservation-led projects, we are well versed in the sensitive issues surrounding managing a project where such considerations are paramount. We are pleased to have a great record of success in listed building applications and can assist design teams in this process.


We manage projects with the insight and benefit of having direct experience working in the disciplines of the teams we oversee.

  • We know what the team members need from each other
  • We know when someone's falling behind or the team is creaking
  • We know how it should be done and get on with putting things straight


Given our extensive breadth and depth of experience we can quickly hone in on what's needed.

  • Development is complex but not complicated
  • We focus on realistic solutions
  • We don't let things fester and become insoluble.


Development and construction involves a lot of moving parts, is susceptible to many external factors, so proctive problem-solving is a talent quickly learned

  • We seek out problems before they find us
  • We identify project risks and pursue their mitigation


We are dedicated advocates for the power of information and the value of quality management systems

  • Better information means better control
  • Systematic oversight reduces the noise and and improves the signal
  • Being methodical matters

Pragmatic Project Management

Est 2007

Our Story

HWP was founded in 2007 by architect Richard Wallis, joined in 2014 by building surveyor Bruce Howse, merging what is now a collective 60 years' experience in the industry. We've an extensive proven record in private practice and public sector, and have worked in commercial, industrial, healthcare, education, hospitality, retail and housing sectors. Whilst historically our practice provided architectural and construction consultancy services, we soon realised a demand to focus our efforts towards the delivery of the latter in development projects and bringing our architectural and surveying disciplines into the art and science of applied project management.

Whilst our practice provided architectural and construction consultancy services, we have progressively focused our efforts towards the delivery of development projects, bringing our architectural and surveying desciplines into the art and science of applied project management.

  • We operate in the B2B space
  • We seek to operate in all sectors
  • We usually take projects from inception to occupation
  • We act as the glue that projects need to be coordinated and successful; filling gaps and keeping things moving.


With the complexity of today's projects, our clients have found the specialist project management role to be invaluable, in contrast to the more traditional approach where projects were mainly architect-led.

This is the chosen direction for our business; so much so that we now rarely involve ourselves directly in design, leaving that to those better suited.

This previous experience in real-world design delivery has proven to be an essential ingredient in our ability to effectively manage design teams and contractor's design, at both a technical level and being able to challenge design decisions where in the client's interests.


We have a broad range of client types as our work can be useful to many. Our clients include:

  • Large public companies
  • Property developers
  • Investment companies and pension funds
  • Owner-operators
  • Charities
  • Housing Associations
  • Local Authorities
  • High net-worth individuals


Project Management is a broad disciplne and its principles can be applied across the construction and property world. We are active in the following sectors:

  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Retail
  • Housing, esp. affordable housing



Happy B2B Clients


In Development Spend


Offices in London & Sussex

Correspondence to:
The Studio, 24 Gipsy Hill, London, SE19 1NL

Call Us

London: 020 7403 8869

Sussex: 01243 641716
